Affordable Self Storage
Business Storage
Making Business Space Work Better
Need a little extra space at work, or is it time to explore how to improve your business storage? Let us help. With a wide variety of storage unit sizes, alongside a mix of contract options, Affordable Secure Storage can work with you to come up with the perfect solution. It might just be for the moment or longer term. We understand that which is why we can upsize or downsize to flex with your business storage needs.
Convenient and affordable – our business storage can accommodate your stock for your online business, excess equipment or safe storage for your business archives.
Why Store With Us?
- Adaptable storage to flex with your business needs
- Safely store stock & merchandise
- Security alarms & smoke detectors for safety
- Short & long term storage contract options
- Practical & friendly support - 7 days a week access
Business storage to meet your needs
Cost effective business storage.
Being independent, we know what it’s like to run a business and so make sure we look after you and your items. Open every day, we make it easy for you to get to your records and stock. We even have a range of packaging and boxes readily available on site.
Easily accessed at the right moment for you.
Affordable Secure Storage
Need Space Today?
Thought you had enough space in the office for your next lot of archiving? Your merchandise order a bit bigger than you imagined? No problem. We get it! Sometimes you just need that extra business storage space quickly. That’s why we offer a ‘same day, move in service’. Choose your room, sign the contract, pay and move in.